
Babies Eat

Todos son

Coronavirus Update in Manchester

Our Office’s Safety Precautions

We are providing consultations and treatment for infant feeding problems on referral from Lactation Consultants, Pediatricians and Cranial Sacral Therapists by appointment during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

We require you wear a medical mask for your visits here, and will happily supply one should you need it.

We are treating patients in our office and at surgery centers for those referred here since they cannot tolerate treatment in routine dental settings.  Anxious children and teens are typically referred with any current radiographs and images by other health care providers.  We have access for the use of general anesthesia for young children and patients who have special needs.

We are limiting appointments so not to overlap and create social distance guideline problems, especially for newborns with feeding problems.

To help prevent the transmission of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19, we adhere to standardized infection control measures, such as performing hand hygiene. We are screening all individuals who come into the office and only allow those in who are symptom free. We follow routine cleaning and disinfection strategies, using cleaners and water to pre-clean surfaces prior to applying an EPA-registered, hospital-grade disinfectant, as well as appropriate sterilization of all tools and equipment. We also use new facemasks and gloves for each patient per guidelines set by the FDA, CDC and the American Dental Association.

While our office already adheres to these standard precautions, there are several common sense recommendations we are implementing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

  • Screening patients for signs or symptoms of infection when we update their medical histories and on the phone when making appointments.
  • Making sure our masks, gloves, and eye protection are appropriate for the procedures performed.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting public areas frequently, including door handles, chairs, and bathrooms.
  • We are limiting appointments so not to overlap and create social distance guideline problems
  • We use High Volume Excavators while creating aerosols both in the office and the surgery centers while restoring teeth from decay.
  • We routinely run an Ozone fogger in the office overnight to eliminate  virus and bacteria on surfaces and in the air.

Prior to your appointment will review key factors in transmission risk:

1. Do you or a household member have fever, cough, shortness of breath or flu like symptoms or are COVID positive?

2. Have you been in group meetings where members have come down wth COVID-19?

3. Have you or household members traveled to areas in the country or world listed as COVID-19 problems?

We will discuss your health status, the dental treatment you require, and whether or not visiting our office will be safe for you, our other patients, and our staff.

When you visit our office, we ask that you arrive on time for your appointment, rather than too early. This will minimize the amount of time you spend in our waiting room or reception area. If you have respiratory symptoms, we will require that you are tested prior to coming to the office.

PLEASE LIMIT THE NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS WITH YOU to 2 parents without siblings for infant and child visits. For adult patients who are referred for treatment, please feel free to bring another adult who helps you make health care decisions.

How can you prevent contracting or spreading COVID-19?

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Maintain at least six feet of distance between yourself and anyone else outside your household.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Do not use your hands.
  • If you or a household member feel unwell, stay home. If you or household member have a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance now. Calling in advance will allow your healthcare provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility.

If you would like more information about our office’s dedication to your health and safety, please give us a call. For more information about what you can do to prevent the spread of COVID-19, please visit theWorld Health Organization website.